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Stay safe we are mobile auto glass repair we come to you

As a people-first company, the health and safety of our associates and customers is always top of mind. Like many of you, we have been closely following the news and navigating these uncharted waters since first learning of the COVID-19 outbreak.

Auto glass replacement during the pandemic stay safe

We want to assure you that we are doing everything we can to ensure that our customers and our people remain safe and healthy. We are closely following guidelines released by the Centers for Disease Control  and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) to prevent the spread of the virus.

Here are just a few of the tactics we would take up post lock down to protect our customers and associates: 

We will increase the frequency of cleaning and sanitizing our technicians’ vehicles, our shops and our office locations. 

We are providing access to sanitizers and alcohol gel wherever possible. 

Technicians are greeting customers from a social distance with a smile instead of a handshake. 

As always, we encourage our associates to wash their hands frequently, refrain from touching their faces and to stay home if they aren’t feeling well. 

We know that many of you need service or have already scheduled an appointment with us but were unable to honor due to the lock down. If you need our help or need to make changes, we are happy to provide assistance. You can schedule your appointment by calling on 9312931170 or change your appointment on this site.

We will continue to monitor the situation closely to keep you and our associates safe.